CCV - Section Grid for Online

Web Schedule Summer 2024



Hybrid courses combine online instruction with limited in-person meetings throughout the semester. Hybrid courses can take place in standard or accelerated formats.

Section NumberCourse TitleLocation and Dates
AHS-2820-VT01H Clinical Med Asst Intern The class meets online and in person on May 22, May 29, June 26, and Aug 7 5:30pm to 9:00pm at the Brattleboro Academic Center. Requirements for enrollment into this internship course must met.
BIO-2011-VR01H Anatomy & Phys I This course meets online and in-person, 5:30 PM to 9 PM, at the Rutland Academic Center every Tuesday.


FLEX courses are online courses with flexible assignment submission, allowing students to manage their completion pace during the semester. FLEX courses remain open for enrollment throughout the first half of the semester. Flex course enrollment for Summer 2024 ends on July 5.

Section NumberCourse Title
ACC-1030-VO01F   Payroll Accounting
ACC-1050-VO01F   Fund of QuickBooks
ACC-2121-VO03F   Financial Accounting
BIO-1140-VO02F   Human Biology
BUS-1125-VO01F   Startup 802: Entrepren Mind
BUS-1135-VO01F   Intro Digital Marketing
BUS-2410-VO01F   Human Resource Mgt
BUS-2430-VO01F   Small Bus Marketing
CIS-1035-VO01F   Foundations of Info Security
CIS-1041-VO04F   Computer Apps
CIS-1151-VO02F   Website Development
CIS-1430-VO03F   Spreadsheets
CIS-1430-VO04F   Spreadsheets
INT-1013-VO01F   Personal & Prof Effectiveness
INT-1017-VO01F   Creative & Crit Thinking
INT-1019-VO01F   Effective Leadership & Collab
MAT-1030-VO07F   Applied Math Concepts


Synchronous courses are delivered through a combination of online and regularly-scheduled Zoom sessions. In synchronous classes, students must attend Zoom sessions and actively engage with each other and faculty in course activities and discussions.


 MORNING: Start time at or after 8 am. Click on course title for exact start time.
Math & Algebra for College
Portfolio & Project Devel
Dimensions of Self & Society
Applied Math Concepts
Physics I
 EARLY AFTERNOON: Start time at or after Noon. Click on course title for exact start time.
French I
Sign Language I
French I
Sign Language I
 LATE AFTERNOON: Start time at or after 3 pm. Click on course title for exact start time.
Body Awareness
Found of Read & Writ: Self
Statistics I
 EVENING: Start time at or after 6 pm. Click on course title for exact start time.
Anatomy & Phys II
English Comp
Spanish I
Dimensions of Self & Society
Seminar in Educational Inquiry
Sign Language I
Anatomy & Phys I
Intro to Psych
Spanish I
Human Growth & Dev
Intro to Nutrition
Sign Language I


Accelerated courses provide the same content and the same number of credits as standard courses, but are delivered in a condensed time frame. Accelerated courses take place online and can range in length up to seven weeks.




Section NumberCourse Title Start DateEnd Date
BIO-2011-VO02X Anatomy & Phys I  05-21-2024 07-01-2024
HUM-2120-VO01X Food in Lit, Cult & Film  05-21-2024 07-08-2024
Section NumberCourse Title Start DateEnd Date
CIS-1041-VO05Y Computer Apps  06-25-2024 08-12-2024
ENG-1062-VO02Y English Comp II  06-25-2024 08-12-2024
HUM-2020-VO02Y Bioethics  06-25-2024 08-12-2024
BIO-2012-VO01Y Anatomy & Phys II  07-02-2024 08-12-2024
BIO-2120-VO01Y Elements of Microbiology  07-02-2024 08-12-2024
BIO-2120-VO02Y Elements of Microbiology  07-02-2024 08-12-2024


Online courses take place 100% online via Canvas, without required in-person or Zoom meetings.

ACC-1001-VO01 Office Accounting
ACC-1010-VO01 Computerized Accounting
ACC-2121-VO01 Financial Accounting
ACC-2121-VO02 Financial Accounting
ACC-2121-VO04 Financial Accounting
ACC-2122-VO01 Managerial Accounting
ACC-2122-VO02 Managerial Accounting
ACC-2201-VO01 Intermed Accounting I
ACC-2202-VO01 Intermed Accounting II
ACC-2210-VO01 Cost Accounting
AHS-1015-VO01 Intro Health Info Systems
AHS-1015-VO02 Intro Health Info Systems
AHS-1205-VO01 Medical Terminology
AHS-1205-VO02 Medical Terminology
AHS-1205-VO03 Medical Terminology
AHS-1205-VO04 Medical Terminology
AHS-2015-VO01 Princ of Public Health
AHS-2120-VO01 Wellness for Life
AHS-2121-VO01 Medical Coding I
AHS-2122-VO01 Medical Coding II
AHS-2165-VO01 Health Insur Reimb & Billing
AHS-2200-VO01 Admin Medical Assisting
AHS-2470-VO01 Pharmacology
AHS-2470-VO02 Pharmacology
ANT-1010-VO01 Intro Cultural Anthropology
ANT-2020-VO01 Lang, Culture & Comm
ART-1011-VO01 Drawing I
ART-1011-VO02 Drawing I
ART-1011-VO03 Drawing I
ART-1011-VO04 Drawing I
ART-1020-VO01 Intro to Studio Art
ART-1050-VO01 Art Appreciation
ART-1060-VO01 2D Design
ART-1111-VO01 Graphic Design I
ART-1112-VO01 Graphic Design II
ART-1210-VO01 Adobe Creative Cloud
ART-1210-VO02 Adobe Creative Cloud
ART-1310-VO01 Digital Photography I
ART-1310-VO02 Digital Photography I
ART-1310-VO03 Digital Photography I
ART-1350-VO01 Typography
ART-2020-VO01 Color Theory & Design
ARH-2020-VO01 Art His: Vis Cult Non-West Wld
BIO-1030-VO01 Intro to Nutrition
BIO-1030-VO02 Intro to Nutrition
BIO-1030-VO03 Intro to Nutrition
BIO-1030-VO04 Intro to Nutrition
BIO-1030-VO05 Intro to Nutrition
BIO-1030-VO06 Intro to Nutrition
BIO-1030-VO07 Intro to Nutrition
BIO-1030-VO08 Intro to Nutrition
BIO-1140-VO01 Human Biology
BIO-1140-VO03 Human Biology
BIO-1210-VO01 Intro to Biology
BIO-1211-VO01 Intro Bio: Ecology & Evolution
BIO-1212-VO01 Intro Bio: Cells Genetic Basis
BIO-1220-VO01 Botany
BIO-1240-VO01 Forest Ecology
BIO-1250-VO01 Wildlife Ecology
BIO-2011-VO02X Anatomy & Phys I
BIO-2011-VO03 Anatomy & Phys I
BIO-2011-VO04 Anatomy & Phys I
BIO-2011-VO05 Anatomy & Phys I
BIO-2011-VO06 Anatomy & Phys I
BIO-2011-VO07 Anatomy & Phys I
BIO-2011-VO08 Anatomy & Phys I
BIO-2012-VO01Y Anatomy & Phys II
BIO-2012-VO03 Anatomy & Phys II
BIO-2012-VO04 Anatomy & Phys II
BIO-2012-VO05 Anatomy & Phys II
BIO-2012-VO06 Anatomy & Phys II
BIO-2012-VO07 Anatomy & Phys II
BIO-2120-VO01Y Elements of Microbiology
BIO-2120-VO02Y Elements of Microbiology
BIO-2120-VO03 Elements of Microbiology
BIO-2120-VO04 Elements of Microbiology
BIO-2120-VO05 Elements of Microbiology
BIO-2120-VO06 Elements of Microbiology
BIO-2120-VO07 Elements of Microbiology
BUS-1010-VO01 Intro to Business
BUS-1010-VO02 Intro to Business
BUS-2020-VO01 Prin of Management
BUS-2140-VO01 Personal Finance
BUS-2210-VO01 Small Bus Mgmt
BUS-2210-VO02 Small Business Management
BUS-2230-VO01 Prin of Marketing
BUS-2440-VO01 Intro to Business Law
BUS-2440-VO02 Intro to Business Law
BUS-2740-VO01 Bus Analysis & Decision Making
CHE-1020-VO01 Intro Chemistry
CHE-1020-VO02 Intro Chemistry
COM-1010-VO01 Eff Workplace Com
COM-1010-VO02 Eff Workplace Com
COM-1015-VO01 Com in ECE & Afterschool Wkpl
COM-1015-VO02 Com in ECE & Afterschool Wkpl
COM-1015-VO03 Com in ECE & Afterschool Wkpl
COM-1020-VO01 Intrprs & Sm Grp Com
COM-1020-VO02 Intrprs & Sm Grp Com
COM-1030-VO01 Intercultural Com
COM-1030-VO02 Intercultural Com
COM-1045-VO01 Intro to Visual Com
COM-1045-VO02 Intro to Visual Com
COM-1180-VO01 Story Thru Media
COM-2360-VO01 Conflict Resolution
CED-1311-VW01 MSSC Applicant Fee
CIS-1041-VO01 Computer Apps
CIS-1041-VO02 Computer Apps
CIS-1041-VO03 Computer Apps
CIS-1041-VO05Y Computer Apps
CIS-1041-VO06 Computer Apps
CIS-1041-VO07 Computer Applications
CIS-1100-VO01 Intro to Computer Science
CIS-1100-VO02 Intro to Computer Science
CIS-1151-VO01 Website Development
CIS-1350-VO01 Desktop Operating Systems
CIS-1430-VO01 Spreadsheets
CIS-1430-VO02 Spreadsheets
CIS-1430-VO05 Spreadsheets
CIS-2120-VO01 Network & Security Foundations
CIS-2210-VO01 Python Programming
CIS-2235-VO01 Adv System Admin
CIS-2265-VO01 Cyber Defense & Net Secur
CIS-2360-VO01 Computer User Support
CRJ-1010-VO01 Intro to Criminal Justice
CRJ-1010-VO02 Intro to Criminal Justice
ECO-2020-VO01 Macroeconomics
ECO-2020-VO02 Macroeconomics
ECO-2030-VO01 Microeconomics
EDU-1030-VO01 Intr Early Chld Ed
EDU-1030-VO02 Intr Early Chld Ed
EDU-1030-VO03 Intr Early Chld Ed
EDU-1030-VO04 Intr Early Chld Ed
EDU-1250-VO01 Foster Creat Lrng Child
EDU-1270-VO01 Support Young Child Div Abilit
EDU-1270-VO02 Support Young Child Div Abilit
EDU-1270-VO03 Support Young Child Div Abilit
EDU-2041-VO01 Lead/Ment/Supv ECE & AS Pract
EDU-2042-VO01 Early Chd Edu & Aftersch Pg Mg
EDU-2042-VO02 Early Chd Edu & Aftersch Pg Mg
EDU-2045-VO01 Cur Dev for Early Childhood Ed
EDU-2045-VO02 Cur Dev for Early Childhood Ed
EDU-2045-VO03 Cur Dev for Early Childhood Ed
EDU-2075-VO01 Literature for Children
ENG-1020-VO01 Intro Research Methods
ENG-1020-VO02 Intro Research Methods
ENG-1020-VO03 Intro Research Methods
ENG-1061-VO01 English Comp
ENG-1061-VO02 English Comp
ENG-1061-VO03 English Comp
ENG-1061-VO04 English Comp
ENG-1061-VO05 English Comp
ENG-1061-VO06 English Comp
ENG-1061-VO07 English Comp
ENG-1061-VO09 English Composition
ENG-1062-VO01 English Comp II
ENG-1062-VO02Y English Comp II
ENG-1062-VO03 English Comp II
ENG-1070-VO01 Effective Speaking
ENG-1310-VO01 Intro to Literature
ENG-1310-VO02 Intro to Literature
ENG-1350-VO01 World Mythology
ENG-2050-VO01 Global Issues in the Media
ENG-2090-VO01 Travel Writing
ENG-2101-VO01 Creative Writing
ENG-2120-VO01 Creative Writing: Poetry
ENG-2135-VO01 Tech Writing & Research
ENG-2135-VO02 Tech Writing & Research
ENV-1010-VO01 Intro to Env Sci
ENV-1055-VO01 Earth Science
ENV-2175-VO01 Natural/Cultural Hist of VT
FLM-1050-VO01 Digital Filmmaking I
GEO-1010-VO01 Intro to World Geography
HIS-1111-VO01 World History to 1500
HIS-1211-VO01 U.S. History to 1865
HIS-1212-VO01 U.S. History Since 1865
HIS-1220-VO01 Native Amer Hist & Cultures
HIS-2070-VO01 Vermont History
HUM-1240-VO01 Comedy & Humor
HUM-2010-VO01 Seminar in Educational Inquiry
HUM-2010-VO02 Seminar in Educational Inquiry
HUM-2010-VO03 Seminar in Educational Inquiry
HUM-2010-VO05 Seminar in Educational Inquiry
HUM-2010-VO06 Seminar in Educational Inquiry
HUM-2010-VO07 Seminar in Educational Inquiry
HUM-2010-VO08 Seminar in Educational Inquiry
HUM-2020-VO01 Bioethics
HUM-2020-VO02Y Bioethics
HUM-2030-VO01 American Folklore
HUM-2120-VO01X Food in Lit, Cult & Film
INT-1050-VO01 Dimensions of Self & Society
INT-1050-VO04 Dimensions of Self & Society
INT-1050-VO05 Dimensions of Self & Society
INT-1050-VO06 Dimensions of Self & Society
INT-1050-VO07 Dimensions of Self & Society
INT-1050-VO08 Dimensions of Self & Society
INT-1050-VO09 Dimensions of Self & Society
INT-1050-VO10 Dimensions of Self & Society
INT-2860-VO01 Professional Field Experience
INT-2860-VO02 Professional Field Experience
INT-2860-VO04 Professional Field Experience
MAT-0310-VO01 Math & Algebra for College
MAT-1020-VO01 Intermediate Algebra
MAT-1020-VO02 Intermediate Algebra
MAT-1030-VO01 Applied Math Concepts
MAT-1030-VO02 Applied Math Concepts
MAT-1030-VO03 Applied Math Concepts
MAT-1030-VO04 Applied Math Concepts
MAT-1030-VO05 Applied Math Concepts
MAT-1030-VO08 Applied Math Concepts
MAT-1230-VO01 College Algebra
MAT-1230-VO02 College Algebra
MAT-1330-VO01 Pre-Calculus Math
MAT-1330-VO02 Pre-Calculus Math
MAT-1531-VO01 Calculus I
MAT-1531-VO02 Calculus I
MAT-2021-VO01 Statistics I
MAT-2021-VO02 Statistics I
MAT-2021-VO03 Statistics I
MAT-2021-VO04 Statistics I
MAT-2021-VO06 Statistics I
MAT-2532-VO01 Calculus II
MUS-1060-VO01 Intro to World Music
PHI-1010-VO01 Intro Philosophy
PHI-1040-VO01 Intro to Ethics
PHI-1040-VO02 Intro to Ethics
PHI-2010-VO01 Comp Religion
PHY-1041-VO01 Physics I
PHY-1041-VO03 Physics I
PHY-1042-VO01 Physics II
POS-1020-VO01 Amer Pol & Govt
PSY-1010-VO01 Intro to Psych
PSY-1010-VO02 Intro to Psych
PSY-1010-VO03 Intro to Psych
PSY-1010-VO04 Intro to Psych
PSY-1010-VO05 Intro to Psych
PSY-1010-VO06 Intro to Psych
PSY-1020-VO01 Child Abuse & Neglect
PSY-1050-VO01 Human Growth & Dev
PSY-1050-VO02 Human Growth & Dev
PSY-1050-VO03 Human Growth & Dev
PSY-1050-VO04 Human Growth & Dev
PSY-1050-VO05 Human Growth & Dev
PSY-1050-VO06 Human Growth & Dev
PSY-1060-VO01 Intro Health Psych
PSY-1130-VO01 Intro to Substance Use Disord
PSY-2010-VO01 Child Development
PSY-2010-VO02 Child Development
PSY-2020-VO01 Infant & Toddler Dev
PSY-2025-VO01 Develop Young Child Age 3-8
PSY-2040-VO01 Social Psychology
PSY-2060-VO01 Psychopathology
PSY-2155-VO01 Trauma: Origins & Impacts
SWK-1010-VO01 Intro Human Services
SWK-2010-VO01 Intro to Case Management
SWK-2070-VO01 Soc Just & Pub Policy
SOC-1010-VO01 Intro to Sociology
SOC-1010-VO02 Intro to Sociology
SOC-1010-VO03 Intro to Sociology
SOC-2010-VO01 Global Social Problems


Standard courses meet in person at CCV centers, typically once each week for the duration of the semester.

Section NumberCourse TitleLocationDaysTimesComments
AHS-1410-VU01 Intro Phlebotomy WinooskiMonday05:30P - 08:10P
AHS-2070-VM02H Clinical Med Assisting MontpelierTuesdayTBA -
ART-1011-VU01 Drawing I WinooskiWednesday09:00A - 12:30P
ART-1070-VU01 Intro to Jewelry WinooskiMonday05:30P - 09:00P
ART-1231-VU01 Ceramics I WinooskiMonday09:00A - 12:30P
ART-1310-VR01 Digital Photography I RutlandTuesday01:00P - 04:30P
ART-1310-VT01 Digital Photography I BrattleboroWednesday09:00A - 12:30P
ART-2320-VM01 Stained Glass I MontpelierSaturday09:00A - 05:00P This course meets in person at the Montpelier Academic Center on 6 Saturdays, 9 AM - 5 PM, on the following dates: 5/25, 6/1, 6/29, 7/13, 8/3, and 8/10/2024.
BIO-1030-VU01 Intro to Nutrition WinooskiThursday05:30P - 09:00P
BIO-1240-VM01 Forest Ecology MontpelierWednesday09:00A - 12:30P
BIO-2011-VU01 Anatomy & Phys I WinooskiTuesday & Thursday09:00A - 12:30P
BIO-2250-VT01 Freshwater Ecology BrattleboroFriday09:00A - 12:30P
CHE-1020-VT01 Intro Chemistry BrattleboroTuesday & Thursday09:00A - 12:30P
CHE-1031-VU01 Gen Chemistry I WinooskiMonday & Wednesday09:00A - 12:30P
CIS-1430-VT01 Spreadsheets BrattleboroMonday05:30P - 09:00P
COM-1020-VT01 Intrprs & Sm Grp Com BrattleboroTuesday09:00A - 12:30P
EDU-2042-VT01 Early Chd Edu & Aftersch Pg Mg BrattleboroThursday05:30P - 09:00P
ENG-1061-VR01 English Comp RutlandMonday05:30P - 09:00P
ENG-1061-VT01 English Comp BrattleboroMonday09:00A - 12:30P
ENG-1061-VU01 English Comp WinooskiTuesday01:00P - 04:30P
ENG-1070-VR01 Effective Speaking RutlandWednesday05:30P - 09:00P
ENG-1070-VU01 Effective Speaking WinooskiThursday05:30P - 09:00P
ENG-1310-VT01 Intro to Literature BrattleboroTuesday05:30P - 09:00P
HUM-2010-VU01 Seminar in Educational Inquiry WinooskiTuesday01:00P - 04:30P
INT-1050-VU01 Dimensions of Self & Society WinooskiThursday09:00A - 12:30P
INT-1050-VM01 Dimensions of Self & Society MontpelierWednesday01:00P - 04:30P
INT-1050-VT01 Dimensions of Self & Society BrattleboroTuesday05:30P - 09:00P
INT-1050-VU02 Dimensions of Self & Society WinooskiWednesday05:30P - 09:00P
INT-1520-VU20 Explor Workplace Exp WinooskiWednesday03:00P - 05:30P
MAT-1030-VR01 Applied Math Concepts RutlandThursday01:00P - 04:30P
MAT-1030-VT01 Applied Math Concepts BrattleboroMonday01:00P - 04:30P
MAT-1030-VM01 Applied Math Concepts MontpelierThursday09:00A - 12:30P
MAT-1030-VU01 Applied Math Concepts WinooskiTuesday09:00A - 12:30P
MAT-2021-VU01 Statistics I WinooskiMonday09:00A - 12:30P
MUS-2341-VU01 Guitar I WinooskiTuesday01:00P - 04:30P
PHY-1041-VU01 Physics I WinooskiTuesday & Thursday05:30P - 09:00P
PSY-1010-VU02 Intro to Psych WinooskiTuesday05:30P - 09:00P
PSY-1010-VU01 Intro to Psych WinooskiThursday01:00P - 04:30P
PSY-1050-VM01 Human Growth & Dev MontpelierTuesday09:00A - 12:30P
PSY-1050-VU01 Human Growth & Dev WinooskiTuesday05:30P - 09:00P