
Web Schedules

Fall 2024
Spring 2024
Summer 2024

One Credit Courses

Fall 2024
Spring 2024
Summer 2024

No Cost Textbook/Resources Courses

Fall 2024
Spring 2024
Summer 2024

Low Cost Textbook/Resources Courses

Fall 2024
Spring 2024
Summer 2024

Course Planning by Program


Essential Objectives

Course Syllabus

Revision Date: 10-Aug-24

Fall 2024 | CIS-1151-VO01 - Website Development

Online Class

Online courses take place 100% online via Canvas, without required in-person or Zoom meetings.

Location: Online
Credits: 3 (45 hours)
Day/Times: Meets online
Semester Dates: 09-03-2024 to 12-16-2024
Last day to drop without a grade: 09-16-2024 - Refund Policy
Last day to withdraw (W grade): 11-04-2024 - Refund Policy
This course has started, please contact the offering academic center about registration


Darren Spafford
View Faculty Credentials

Hiring Coordinator for this course: Deb Grant

General Education Requirements

This section meets the following CCV General Education Requirement(s) for the current catalog year:
VSCS Digital and Technical Literacy
  1. Many degree programs have specific general education recommendations. In order to avoid taking unnecessary classes, please consult with additional resources like your program evaluation, your academic program catalog year page, and your academic advisor.
  2. Courses may only be used to meet one General Education Requirement.

Course Description

This course explores the creation of effective websites and pages. Topics include application of website development tools, and managing site content, site presentation, and site behaviors. Students explore and modify Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), and use JavaScript code. Students manage a website's associated files and folders, web publishing client/server process, and administration of a website.

Essential Objectives

1. Evaluate a variety of websites for content, style and functionality.
2. Analyze how web-based media can perpetuate systems of inequality or promote social change.
3. Identify current trends in web design and development including content management systems, build tools, and version control.
4. Describe accessibility, copyright, security, and other legal and ethical considerations in Web design.
5. Explore the role of the web server and server-side permissions.
6. Explain the differences between HTML and XHTML and the importance of semantic HTML 5.
7. Create a web page in both an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) and a WYSIWYG editor.
8. Use a variety of media file formats and describe the characteristics of each format and their effect on quality and speed.
9. Demonstrate the appropriate and effective use of HTML tags in web page design.
10. Demonstrate the effective use of inline, internal, and external CSS for style and positioning HTML elements.
11. Compare PHP and JavaScript as they relate to the construction and interactivity of a web page.
12. Create a form to collect data and understand the options for processing and storing that data.
13. Describe logistics and costs involved in planning, implementing, hosting, and maintaining a website.
14. Design and build a multi-page website that includes internal navigation, consistent style, and interactive elements, and effectively conveys information, thoughts, and ideas.
15. Design a portfolio of work that demonstrates web development skills and explore ways to share the information with potential employers.

Required Technology

More information on general computer and internet recommendations is available on the CCV IT Support page. https://support.ccv.edu/general/computer-recommendations/

Please see CCV's Digital Equity Statement (pg. 45) to learn more about CCV's commitment to supporting all students access the technology they need to successfully finish their courses.

Required Textbooks and Resources

*** This is a no cost textbook or resource class. ***

CIS-1151-VO01 Link to Textbooks/Resources Information for this course in eCampus.

The last day to use a Financial Aid Advance to purchase textbooks/books is the 3rd Tuesday of the semester. See your financial aid counselor at your academic center if you have any questions.


Each week will have an overview and annoucement explaining what we will be working on with more detail for how the week will work. Please start with the overview each week.

Course Resources
Use the resources provided with this course. Videos were specifically designed for this course as demosntrations, tutorials, and follow-alongs to be used a practice each week.

Discusisons are like our "in-class conversation" to talk, chat, brainstorm, and get ready for each week as a group. It is expected that we will make a post and reply to two (2) colleagues each week.

Are our way of demonstrating the resources made sense. Read the assignment description/rubric early, during, and after assignments to understand what is expected.

Each week we will have a quiz to chat about how the week went and answer a few skills-based questions.

Evaluation Criteria

  • 60% Assignments
  • 10% Midterm/Final
  • 15% Discussions
  • 15% Weekly Reviews

Grading Criteria

CCV Letter Grades as outlined in the Evaluation System Policy are assigned according to the following chart:

A Less than 9893
A-Less than 9390
B+Less than 9088
B Less than 8883
B-Less than 8380
C+Less than 8078
C Less than 7873
C-Less than 7370
D+Less than 7068
D Less than 6863
D-Less than 6360
FLess than 60 
NPLess than 600

Weekly Schedule

Week/ModuleTopic  Readings  Assignments


Introduction to HTML


HTML tag basic, softtware, nesting, case sensitivity, indenting, and validation


Creating Hierarchy with Tags



Introduction to CSS


Selecting tags by name, class, id and editing simple attributes like colors, fonts, and more as well as examining the box model for borders, spacing, and padding.


Create a Resume



Templates & Images


Creating columns using flexbox, vertical alignment, images, object-fit, and responsive sizing.


Website #1 - Recipe Web Pages with the Same Template



Recipe Website


Creating a home page with header, navigation bar, content area, and footer with links to other pages


Website #1 - A Recipe Site Home Page



Advanced CSS


Custom Fonts, Aniamtions, and Icons


Website #1 - Add custom fonts, animations, and icons to the recipe website



Server Management & Hosting


Online hosting, live environments, local http server and development environments, DNS, and server management


Website #1 - Put the Recipe Website Online



Retail Website Home Page


Advanced headers, responsive deisgn, drop-down menus, icons, advanced footers and page templating


Website #2 - A Store Home Page



Blocks & Modules


Creating "sections" in the main part of the home page for ads, products, banners, carousels, and more.


Website #2 - Store Home Page Content



Additional Pages


Adding pages using PHP includes, product pages, category pages, and text page templating.


Website #2 - Additional Pages for About Us, Our Services, Portfolio



HTML Forms


Collecting user input, text boxes, text areas, drop-down menus, radio buttons, checkboxes, and buttons.


Website #2 - Making a Contact Us Page with PHP



Javacript 101


Handling simple events, launching events, capturing events, and using javascript to interactively change styles on the page


Expirement with Javascript



Javascript 102


Checking forms when they are submtting, drop-down menus, changing layouts when the window is resized, adding a "dark mode" button, and learning how to find/use code online correctly.


Website #2 - Add Javascript to the Store Website





We'll have a look at a CMS (content management system) and how that compares to hand coding as we set up a new site of your choice.


Website #3 - Wordpress Website



Final Project


This week we'll sketch, design, plan, and create a home page for an online portfolio


Website #4 - Online Portfolio



Final Project


Complete all other pages on the store website including a contact page, about page, portfolio, services, etc.


Website #4 - Online Portfolio


Attendance Policy

Regular attendance and participation in classes are essential for success in and are completion requirements for courses at CCV. A student's failure to meet attendance requirements as specified in course descriptions will normally result in a non-satisfactory grade.

  • In general, missing more than 20% of a course due to absences, lateness or early departures may jeopardize a student's ability to earn a satisfactory final grade.
  • Attending an on-ground or synchronous course means a student appeared in the live classroom for at least a meaningful portion of a given class meeting. Attending an online course means a student posted a discussion forum response, completed a quiz or attempted some other academically required activity. Simply viewing a course item or module does not count as attendance.
  • Meeting the minimum attendance requirement for a course does not mean a student has satisfied the academic requirements for participation, which require students to go above and beyond simply attending a portion of the class. Faculty members will individually determine what constitutes participation in each course they teach and explain in their course descriptions how participation factors into a student's final grade.

Participation Expectations

Meeting the minimum attendance requirement for a course does not mean a student has satisfied the academic requirements for participation, which require students to go above and beyond simply attending a portion of the class. Faculty members will individually determine what constitutes participation in each course they teach and explain in their course descriptions how participation factors into a student’s final grade. Federal financial aid regulations require that students regularly attend classes and participate in academically-related activities.

Participation Expectations

  • Login Frequency - Log into this course 3+ times/week vs all in 1 day
  • Discussions - Engage colleagues with thoughtful posts/replies each week
  • Resources - View and use resources included with the course
  • Tasks - Be on time, read task descriptions and rubrics carefully
  • Communication - Regularly check your email and provide timely (24-48 hours) responses to questions, emails, comments and other feedback as needed.This includes asking for help when you need it instead of falling behind.
  • Preparation - Read and review all resources and tasks including task descriptions and rubrics prior to attempting the assignment
  • Effort - Complete tasks beyond the minimal requirements. Follow tutorials, practice, try concepts no your own and gain confidence with weekly skills before trying the assignment
  • Professionalism - As part of an online community, you are expected to demonstrate professionalism in your interactions with peers and the instructor. This includes meeting deadlines, being accountable for your work, and upholding academic integrity in all assignments.

Missing & Late Work Policy

Missing assignments will be automatically scored as a "0" in the gradebook. For a planned absence, contact the instructor to make a plan in advance. If you miss a week and couldn't plan for it, you will need to use a "late pass". We each get two (2) late passes as a part of this course regardless whether they are planned or not planned. This pass allows you to submit assignments up to three (3) days late for no penalty.

Accessibility Services for Students with Disabilities:

CCV strives to mitigate barriers to course access for students with documented disabilities. To request accommodations, please
  1. Provide disability documentation to the Accessibility Coordinator at your academic center. https://ccv.edu/discover-resources/students-with-disabilities/
  2. Request an appointment to meet with accessibility coordinator to discuss your request and create an accommodation plan.
  3. Once created, students will share the accommodation plan with faculty. Please note, faculty cannot make disability accommodations outside of this process.

Academic Integrity

CCV has a commitment to honesty and excellence in academic work and expects the same from all students. Academic dishonesty, or cheating, can occur whenever you present -as your own work- something that you did not do. You can also be guilty of cheating if you help someone else cheat. Being unaware of what constitutes academic dishonesty (such as knowing what plagiarism is) does not absolve a student of the responsibility to be honest in his/her academic work. Academic dishonesty is taken very seriously and may lead to dismissal from the College.