
Web Schedules

Fall 2024
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Summer 2024

One Credit Courses

Fall 2024
Spring 2024
Summer 2024

No Cost Textbook/Resources Courses

Fall 2024
Spring 2024
Summer 2024

Low Cost Textbook/Resources Courses

Fall 2024
Spring 2024
Summer 2024

Course Planning by Program


Essential Objectives

Course Syllabus

Revision Date: 30-Aug-24

Fall 2024 | ART-1111-VO01 - Graphic Design I

Online Class

Online courses take place 100% online via Canvas, without required in-person or Zoom meetings.

Location: Online
Credits: 3 (45 hours)
Day/Times: Meets online
Semester Dates: 09-03-2024 to 12-16-2024
Last day to drop without a grade: 09-16-2024 - Refund Policy
Last day to withdraw (W grade): 11-04-2024 - Refund Policy
This course has started, please contact the offering academic center about registration


Christine Neuhardt
View Faculty Credentials

Hiring Coordinator for this course: Dana Lee

General Education Requirements

This section meets the following CCV General Education Requirement(s) for the current catalog year:
VSCS Arts & Aesthetics
  1. Many degree programs have specific general education recommendations. In order to avoid taking unnecessary classes, please consult with additional resources like your program evaluation, your academic program catalog year page, and your academic advisor.
  2. Courses may only be used to meet one General Education Requirement.

Course Description

This course introduces the fundamental principles of graphic design, including composition, color, typography and related concepts, within a technical environment. Students develop visual problem-solving skills as they relate to specific examples and projects. The history and development of the graphic design profession will also be discussed. Prerequisite: Introduction to Adobe Creative Cloud.

Essential Objectives

1. Demonstrate knowledge of the principles of graphic design.
2. Employ technical skills needed to create design projects that communicate ideas.
3. Research, identify, and apply key aspects of graphic design.
4. Use appropriate terminology to describe graphic design techniques and processes through illustration and computer skills.
5. Illustrate creative thinking to solve a variety of design problems.
6. Explore professional opportunities in the field of graphic design.
7. Select and apply typography that supports and enhances individual design projects.
8. Examine, discuss, and critique artwork, with reference to the historical, social, and cultural context and how it has promoted social change.
9. Analyze the impact of global and/or cultural diversity on the development of design communications.
10. Create and display a portfolio of graphic design projects.

Required Technology

More information on general computer and internet recommendations is available on the CCV IT Support page. https://support.ccv.edu/general/computer-recommendations/

Please see CCV's Digital Equity Statement (pg. 45) to learn more about CCV's commitment to supporting all students access the technology they need to successfully finish their courses.

Required Textbooks and Resources

ART-1111-VO01 Link to Textbooks/Resources Information for this course in eCampus.

The last day to use a Financial Aid Advance to purchase textbooks/books is the 3rd Tuesday of the semester. See your financial aid counselor at your academic center if you have any questions.


  • Weekly Discussion in Canvas
  • PowerPoint presentations with PowerPoint Questions to answer.
  • Group critique, and individual critiques.
  • Computer exploration of Photoshop CS
  • Mid-term and final exams
  • Weekly design projects. (Posters, ads, design problem to solve).
  • Reference material for all material covered.

Evaluation Criteria

Work Evaluated On:

Assignments will be graded through a rubric that will spell out specific points that correlate to the specific project. In general the evaluation depends on:

Quality of artwork to:

Must be of a finished quality

Must show concern for esthetics

Must express content

Must exhibit the individual's creativity

Student Approach to Work

Participation in discussions and discussion critiques

Respect for members of class especially during critiques

Contribution to discussion

Assignment Specifications:

Adherence to individual assignment criteria

Correct analysis of design problem and execution of specific guidelines

Grading Criteria

CCV Letter Grades as outlined in the Evaluation System Policy are assigned according to the following chart:

A Less than 9893
A-Less than 9390
B+Less than 9088
B Less than 8883
B-Less than 8380
C+Less than 8078
C Less than 7873
C-Less than 7370
D+Less than 7068
D Less than 6863
D-Less than 6360
FLess than 60 
NPLess than 600

Weekly Schedule

Week/ModuleTopic  Readings  Assignments


This outline is subject to change.

Class 1 Introduction to Graphic Design

Participation and attendance are through weekly discussion in Canvas.

In class assignments: weekly uploaded by Fridays in Canvas Assignments.

Homework assignments: uploaded by due date in Canvas Assignments.

This is an example of the course work for the semester. This may be subject to change. All discussion will be announced the week of the due date for the discussion.

Participation and attendance: Discussion

Introduction to goals and policy

Overview of graphic design

Overview of Principles and Elements of design

A look at careers in design, why graphic design


All reading and resources will be in Module for the week.


Participation and attendance: Discussion

In class assignment: Photoshop desktop.

In class assignment: PowerPoint questions.

Homework: Design Critique



Class 2 Compositon

Participation and attendance: Discussion

Scale, Proximity, Similarity, Unity, Variation

Composition foreground/middle ground/ background


All reading and resources will be in Module for the week.


Participation and attendance: Discussion

In class assignment 1 : Photoshop review of tools and techniques.

In class assignment 2: Photoshop Layer Styles

Homework: Composition designs in Photoshop and critique of design.



Class 3 Color Theory

Participation and attendance: Discussion

Color theory. Color and the psychological effect on mood.

Layer Comps to files. Image Adjustments .

Texture and the effects on design


All reading and resources will be in Module for the week.


Participation and attendance: Discussion

In class assignment 1: Photoshop composition.

In class assignment 2: PowerPoint questions on color theory.

Homework: Color mood compositions.



Class 4 Environmental Poster Project

Participation and attendance: Discussion

Posters in History: PowerPoint

Photoshop: Masking techniques, Filters, and Type Character Panel.


All reading and resources will be in Module for the week


In class assignment 1: Photoshop composition.

In class assignment 2: PowerPoint questions on History of Posters.

Homework1: History Research

Homework 2: Environmental Poster Project



Class 5 Environmental Poster Project

Participation and attendance: Discussion

Typography. Aligning text and character panel.

Line and emotional impact

Hierarchy in designs.

Review for quiz


All reading and resources will be in Module for the week.


In class assignment 1: Photoshop composition with type.

In class assignment 2: PowerPoint questions typography and hierarchy in design.

Homework1: Environmental Poster Project.



Class 6 Environmental Poster Project

Participation and attendance: Discussion

Digital and written test/quiz


All reading and resources will be in Module for the week.


In class assignment 1: Photoshop.

Homework1: Completion of environmental poster project



Class 7 Fantasy Project

Participation and attendance: Discussion

Turning photos into paintings

Editing techniques

Composition: Creating effective backgrounds. Space/motion


All reading and resources will be in Module for the week.


In class assignment 1: Photoshop composition technique and clone tool .

In class assignment 2: Research fantasy character in design

Homework1: Fantasy project: background design.



Class 8 Fantasy Project

Participation and attendance: Discussion

Character development in Fantasy Project

Painting and editing a character in Photoshop.

Photoshop: dodge and burn tools and techniques. blending modes, blending techniques, paint color techniques


All reading and resources will be in Module for the week.


In class assignment 1: Photoshop painting and editing character 1

In class assignment 2: Photoshop painting and editing character 1

Homework1: Fantasy project: background design redesign and painting character.



Class 9 Fantasy Project

Participation and attendance: Discussion

Introduction of Design Problem 1

Tips and trick in Photoshop


All reading and resources will be in Module for the week.


In class assignment 1: Questions about space and form.

Homework1: Redesign and completion of fantasy project.



Class 10 Design Problem Part 1 Digital Thumbnails

Participation and attendance: Discussion

Introduction to type design problem

Space and form in design

Tips and trick in Photoshop.


All reading and resources will be in Module for the week.


In class assignment 1: Questions about space and form.

Homework1: Part 1 design problem. Digital thumbnails.



Class 11 Design Problem Part 2: Variations and animations

Participation and attendance: Discussion

Type animation and mp4. Frame animation.

Type in Design

Illustrator and type


All reading and resources will be in Module for the week.


In class assignment 1: Completion of frame animation and mp4

Homework 1: Part 2 design problem, variations.



Class 12 Design Problem Part 3 Final Designs and animations

Participation and attendance: Discussion

Animation and mp4: Using paths to create animations.

Redesigns of Design Problem.

Illustrator tips and tricks


All reading and resources will be in Module for the week.


In class assignment 1: animation and mp4.

Homework: Completion of final 2 designs of design problem.



Class 13

Participation and attendance: Discussion

Actions in Photoshop

Course review of Graphic Design


All reading and resources will be in Module for the week.


In class assignment 1: Composition

Homework: Composition to be announced



Class 14

Participation and attendance: Discussion

Final PDF Portfolio

Review for test

Review of animation project


All reading and resources will be in Module for the week.


In class assignment 1: Digital Exam.

In class assignment 2: PDF Portfolio

Homework: Study for final written exam.



Class 15

Participation and attendance: Discussion

Presentation of PDF Portfolio.

Presentation of animation

Final exam.

We made it!!!!!


Attendance Policy

Regular attendance and participation in classes are essential for success in and are completion requirements for courses at CCV. A student's failure to meet attendance requirements as specified in course descriptions will normally result in a non-satisfactory grade.

  • In general, missing more than 20% of a course due to absences, lateness or early departures may jeopardize a student's ability to earn a satisfactory final grade.
  • Attending an on-ground or synchronous course means a student appeared in the live classroom for at least a meaningful portion of a given class meeting. Attending an online course means a student posted a discussion forum response, completed a quiz or attempted some other academically required activity. Simply viewing a course item or module does not count as attendance.
  • Meeting the minimum attendance requirement for a course does not mean a student has satisfied the academic requirements for participation, which require students to go above and beyond simply attending a portion of the class. Faculty members will individually determine what constitutes participation in each course they teach and explain in their course descriptions how participation factors into a student's final grade.

Missing & Late Work Policy

Participation Policy For Discussions and Assignments

First Day of Class September 3rd

In Graphic Design 1 we will have weekly discussion, most of these will be critiquing each other’s artwork, reflecting upon the principles and elements used in a design, addressing technical issues that may arise, helping each other find solutions to design problems, and helping each other solve technical problems. The class depends upon your input during the discussions.

Participation in this course is worth 25% of your final grade. Your participation will be graded upon the quality and quantity of your responses to the other students. You will be required to respond to 2 of your classmates remark each week focusing upon students who might not have a response yet. This may vary from week to week so it’s important to read the discussion outline carefully.

  1. Full credit for participation: Post you initial response within the required time, respond to two other student’s responses choosing students who may not have been responded to within the time requirements, staying on topic and responding to the topic, and ask questions to engage another student.
  2. Check due dates and time: This class is scheduled for Tuesdays. To give you enough time to place your initial response and comment on other classmate’s responses I will be posting the discussion on Saturdays except for the first class which will be posted on Tuesday September 3rd. I will give you until midnight on Tuesdays to post your initial response to the discussion forum. Late initial responses will have a reduced grade of 2 point for each day late. Responses to 2 students are due at the end of the week by Friday midnight. Late responses will have a reduced grade of 2 point for each day late. Grade point for discussions is 20/20 points. After the first week of class the discussions will open on Fridaysand close the following week atmidnight on a Sundays. An example of week 2: the discussion opens on Friday September 6th and it will be closed on Sunday September 15th. Don’t wait until the last minute to respond so you will have time to research your initial response and think about your 2 comments.
  3. You may want to check back into the discussion during first few days to follow-up on some of the questions that your classmates might have posted.
  4. By Sunday at midnight the discussion will be locked, and no other responses will be accepted.
  5. For an excused absence from discussion, you must email me why you are not participating in class before the class discussion due date which is always Tuesdays. If you do not email me as to why you cannot participate during the weeks discussion it will be considered an unexcused absence. Two unexcused absences from discussions will result in a failing grade for this course.

Keep in mind that “I agree!” or “Good point!” are not considered substantive replies to your peers. Replies demonstrate your attention to the initial post topic and willingness to engage in discussion with your peers. Reference the discussions attached discussion rubrics, so you are aware of the quality of responses that is required.

Late Work Policy

This course is cumulative. What you will be learning in previous weeks is used in your next weeks assignment. It’s important to keep up with your assignments and not fall behind.

  • Unless you have emailed me before the assignment due date with your reasons for not completing your assignment your grade will be reduced by 10 percentage points for each day that it is late. An example would be if your work was excellent and deserved a 100%, but it was handed in unexcused 3 days late, the grade will be 70%. Assignment not submitted in will receive a 0.
  • Check to make sure you have uploaded all the assignment files that are due in Canvas Assignments. If you are missing files, or you have uploaded the incorrect files I will mark them as late.

It is important that we communicate with one another. Email me at cln11150@ccv.vsc.edu, or call me on my cell at 802-999-6922. I check my email Monday through Friday in the morning so I can assist with any problems that might occur. I accept calls during 11:00 am and 4:00 pm Monday through Friday. If these hours do not work for you can email me and we can set up a time that is convenient for you. I want to help you achieve your personal and academic goals in this class and I am available to help.

Assignment due dates:

Homework is always due on Tuesdays the following week. The first week’s homework is due on Tuesday, one week from the class date.

If late there will be a reduced grade.

Discussion: initial response is due on Tuesdays by midnight of the weeks class. Replies to 2 students are always due by Friday of the weeks class date. If late there is a reduced grade.

In class assignments are always due on Fridays of the weeks class date by midnight.

Accessibility Services for Students with Disabilities:

CCV strives to mitigate barriers to course access for students with documented disabilities. To request accommodations, please
  1. Provide disability documentation to the Accessibility Coordinator at your academic center. https://ccv.edu/discover-resources/students-with-disabilities/
  2. Request an appointment to meet with accessibility coordinator to discuss your request and create an accommodation plan.
  3. Once created, students will share the accommodation plan with faculty. Please note, faculty cannot make disability accommodations outside of this process.

Academic Integrity

CCV has a commitment to honesty and excellence in academic work and expects the same from all students. Academic dishonesty, or cheating, can occur whenever you present -as your own work- something that you did not do. You can also be guilty of cheating if you help someone else cheat. Being unaware of what constitutes academic dishonesty (such as knowing what plagiarism is) does not absolve a student of the responsibility to be honest in his/her academic work. Academic dishonesty is taken very seriously and may lead to dismissal from the College.